Renaissance in Sindh came during the reign of Soomra Dynasty from 1011 A.D. and onwards, whereas in Europe renaissance came first in Italy during 1340-1540 A.D took centuries to spread all over Europe and to British Isles.
In 1011 A.D, the first Soomra King Sardar Khafif Soomro conquered Sindh from the last Arab ruler of Ali bin Umar of Habari Dynasty. King Khafif Soomro and his successor kings Soomar, Bhoongar and Dodo-1, established their rule from the shores of the Arabian Sea to Multan,Bahawalpur, Sadikabad and Uch in the north and in the east to Rajistan and in the west to the border areas of Balochistan.
The Renaissance started from 1092 A.D. when Princess Zainab Tari Soomro became the sovereign Queen of Sindh. As a first step, attention was paid to Sindhi language, which had remained dominated by Arabic during the last three centuries. Not only reforms were made in promoting Sindhi language for good governance, but fast progress was made in Arts and Crafts, Architecture, Agriculture and music, both instrumental and vocal. Sports like horse and camel races, wrestling known “Mulluh” and other marshal sports were patronized.
As everywhere in the world, the literature had a poetic start, so in Sindh also, the Minstrels and Bards made great strides in Sindhi Folk poetry. They composed their poetry around popular myths, folk tales, historical events and romances. A minstrel named SUMANG CHARAN stands prominent among all other minstrels and bards of the early period.
In this period, “Doha (couplets)”, “Gaha”, “Geech (marriage songs)” “Gaya (songs of Soomra women)”, forms of Sindhi poetry developed as a part of dramatic narration. Later on new dimensions were brought to Sindhi poetry, after the battle of Dodo Chanesar, the Soomra kings with the armies of Sultan Allauddin of Dehli, in 1313 A.D. near the city of “Thaar Banghar” which gave rise to Epic form of poetry in Sindh.
A minstrel named BHAGU BHAN, also a court poet of Soomra Kings, was renowned as composer and singer of Epic poetry. He was an expert in playing local musical instruments, especially “Surando”. This instrument could be called the violin of the East.
There were other master musicians and singers as Chand Fakir, Bahiro Mangto, Lado Bhag and many others from Charans, Mangtas and Manganhars tribes. From the women poets, MAI MARKHA SHAIKH was a remarkable poet of that time. They all played their part towards poetical progress in Sindhi literature during the rule of Soomra Dynasty in Sindh.
The great historical, dramatic, romances, that took place in the reign of the last few Soomra kings were, “Lila-Chanesar”, “Umar- Marui” and “Moomal-Rano”. Earlier than this, the love tales of “Sassi-Punhoon”, “Sohni- Mehaar” and “Sorath-Raidiach” were narrated in melodious poetry by minstrel and bards in public musical evenings patronized by the Soomra Kings.
Centuries afterwards, the tales of these historic romances became the subject matter of Sufistic poetry by the famous Sufi poet of Sindh, Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, who immortalized these tales. He transformed these tales into different “Surs” i.e. musical composition with classical norms. Since then great Sindhi, master musicians and singers keep singing these soulful melodies even in this 21st. Century and this will go on till Sindh and Sindhi people exist in this world.

1. “A History of Europe”. By H.A.L Fisher, Published by Edward Arnold & Co. London. 1949, page 446.
2. “Poetry before Shah Abdul Latif” article by Abdul Ghafoor. M. Soomro in “Sind Quarterly”.Vol.1/X-1981. No: 3 Karachi Sindh.
3. “Salient Features of the Rule of Soomra Dynasty in Sindh”. Research Articles(Queen Zainab Tari/Golden period of Sindhi women/Renaissance etc.) by Research Scholar Qamar Din. M. Hayat Soomro. 2009.
4. “Soomran Jo Daur” (in Sindh language) by Famous Scholar Dr.Nabi Bukhsh Khan Baloch. Published by Sindhi Adabi Board Hyderabad.1980.
5. Chronological dictionary of Sindh by M. H. Panhwar. 1983.
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