The very first Royal romance took place in the period of the Rule of Soomro Dynasty In Sindh during the reign of King Kamaluddin Chanesar Soomro (1283-84to1300-01 A.D). Prior to this, centuries back no romantic tale came to light to become a historical legend to be narrated and sung by Bards and Minstrels and later by the great poet of Sindh Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai.
King Chanesar was a handsome man and was known for his wisdom, velour, kindheartedness and romantic nature. Once he heard about the beauty of Leela daughter of a Village chieftain. When he saw her, he instantly fell in love with her. Soon they were married and lived in love and happiness.
It so happened that Raja of a neighboring State of Cutch, named Rai Khanghar had a beautiful daughter named Kaunro. She prized her beauty with rare jewels. Once her father gave her a Naulakha Haar (necklace worth nine lacs of rupees). It was studded with such sparkling jewels that when Kaunro adorned herself with it and went into a dark room, the room was illuminated with its brilliance.
Princess Kaunro was engaged to her kinsman Itmadi . He had sister named Jamuni who was kaunro’s lady in waiting. Once Jamuni in a playful mood teased the princess saying , what worth is her beauty and jewels if she had no husband like the handsome king Chanesar. Kaunro was stung to the heart and determined to become the Queen of king Chanesar, come what may. She was so possessed by her wish and determination that she told the Queen mother about it and with the permission of her father, they hatched a plan and dressed as saudagars (merchants , they reached the capital city Debal Bunder (port).
There, they approached the Grand Vazier (minister) Jakhro who was said to be a friend and favorite of King Chanesar, and implored him to plead for them to King Chanesar. Jakhro told them that Chanesar will not prefer Kaunro to Leela but they kept imploring him so much so that Jakhro to the king about them. King Chanesar replied to him that no other woman was a match to Lila.
Kaunro and her mother were very much distressed and tried to get an access to the Palace. After great efforts, they were able to have an audience with Queen Leela. They told her that they had come to her in the hope that she will take Kaunro as a lady’s maid. Leela was impressed by their bearing and good manners and permitted Kaunro to remain in the Palace as a companion to her.
In no time Kaunro gained confidence of Queen Leela and taking a chance one day, she displayed her necklace to the Queen. Leela was wonder struck by the sparkling jewels in the necklace and could not help but to request Kaunro to give her the necklace at any price. Crafty Kaunro told her that the price was a night in bed with King Chanesar. As if bewitched by the magic of the jewels, the Queen succumbed to Kaunro’s desire.
The destiny and the satan played their part.
One night when King Chanesar came to bed, he found Kaunro sitting on his bed. He was surprised at her audacity and ordered her to remove herself from his sight. But she told him about her deal with the Queen. He was shocked and enraged at Leela, wondering how Leela could have agreed to such a proposal to get the necklace. He immediately ordered Leela to leave the Palace and never show up before him.
Though he made Kaunro his Queen but Chanesar kept pinning for Leela’s love which was embedded in his heart.
When Lila came to her senses, she in her repentance tried in every way for reconciliation with her beloved Chanesar but to no avail. She came to her parents and lived in heartrending grief and sorrow. Seeing her condition, God took pity on her and a chance came by for her. The Grand Vazier Jakhro came to her one day and told her that he has fallen in love with a girl of her village and wants to marry her. She agreed to help him on condition that he will bring King Chanesar to attend his marriage ceremony. Jakhro agreed and all arrangements were made when the time came.
With all fanfare and grandeur, King Chanesar arrived with marriage procession. After the solemnization of the marriage, refreshment and entertainment began with songs and dances. Leela veiled herself and joined the singers. She sang so pathetically in her sad sweet voice riling the lover for his faithlessness causing grief and misery to his beloved, that Chanesar was touched to the heart and told the singing girl to unveil he face to him to see whether she was as beautiful and sad as her enchanting voice.
Leela unveiled her face and stood humbly before her King. Chanesar was so surprised that he stood up, his heart thumping and his eyes tender with his love for Leela. Silence prevailed for a short while. Then Chanesar cried out, “Leela. Oh! Leela, my love, come to me, sacrifice everything, take your place in the Palace and no more shall you suffer the pangs of separation ever again.”
- Chronological Dictionary of Sindh by M.H. Panhwar. 1983. (
- “Tareekh-e-Sindh (History of Sindh). By Allama Syed Sulleman Nadvi. 1947. (
- “Salient Features of the Rule of Soomra Dynasty in Sindh”. Research Articles (Queen Zainab Tari/Golden period of Sindhi women/Renaissance etc.) by Research Scholar Qamar Din. M. Hayat Soomro. 2009. (
- “Soomras”(
- “The Song of the Necklace” by Tirithdas Hotchand 1961.(
- Lila-Chanesar Wikipedia (